halloween bottle labels

Free Download – Halloween Potion Labels for Bottles

With all of the decorations we have bought for Halloween, we wanted to provide a FREE download of a PDF that has multiple labels that you can put on any bottle!

Scroll to the bottom for your free download. In the body of this post, we give tips and tricks on how to apply them to any bottle! Enjoy!

halloween bottle labels

I mean, who doesn’t want an easy and cheap decoration in their home! This is something everyone can make – kids or adults!

To start, we just drank a few wine bottles, printed these out, and used Mod Podge to get them to stick! You can use any bottles you have lying around whether they are empty or not. How fun would it be to walk into the kitchen and see your wife adding “witches brew” to your pasta sauce?! 🙂

How to Remove the Label:

First: Soak the jar in warm, soapy water for a few minutes. Let it sit.

Next: Start to peel the label off.

Last: Mix equal parts of baking soda and oil to get any sticky residue off the bottle. You can use any kind of cooking oil really so no need to buy anything special!

Applying to Bottle:

First: Dry the bottle with a towel and make sure you have a clean surface to work from.

Next: Grab your Mod Podge or glue stick and place the glue on the bottle and/or the label.

*Don’t forget, there is a front and back to the bottles! You don’t need to apply the back but it’s a nice touch!*

Last: Once that drys, add a top coat of Mod Podge as a sealer to your bottle. If you don’t have Mod Podge, that’s totally fine. The top coat is really a sealant to ensure these will last through any messes!

Now to the Good Stuff…

Your free download is here:

Please email us at pitchtopassport@gmail.com if you have any issues. Happy Halloween! 🙂

