Most Common Questions Asked in Pregnancy

From the moment we announced we were expecting, we received a bunch of questions in regards to our pregnancy and figured it would be beneficial if we wrote a Q&A Blog Post! Below are the most common questions asked in pregnancy that we have received along with our answers.

Q: What was your reaction when you found out?

A: We are beyond blessed. Shocked. Overjoyed. Simply put, overwhelmed with emotion. You can watch the video here:

Q: What has been the most difficult part?

A: Probably the overall unknown of what comes next. Basically freaking out every time a new symptom comes on. Braxton Hicks was probably the scariest…

Q: How do you see your travel plans changing?

A: We will probably drive more places if we can do local trips but also I see us checking bags when we fly since normally we only bring a carry-on each when we travel. We will also probably schedule lunch breaks/nap times where previously we would wake up and go until our bedtime. Other than that, it will be the same!

Q: What are you looking forward to most overall?

A: Simply watching each other grow as parents and watching our baby grow!

Q: Follow up: What are you looking forward to in regards to traveling/vacations with the baby?

A: Is it bad to say, “proving everyone wrong”?!

Everyone keeps telling us that we won’t be able to travel with a baby. We know so many others who have kids and have traveled the world with them since they were babies. Look at The Bucket List Family for example.

We do know the way we travel will change but that has already adapted during COVID. We actually purchased/registered for items that we knew would be used specifically to make traveling easier for us.

We also know that everyone will constantly give their unsolicited advice and we take it with a grain of salt. It’s not that we don’t appreciate it, but it’s the fact that we are very positive people and don’t appreciate negativity.

So let’s wait and see how many states & countries we can get Baby Q to in 2020!

Q: How did you know you were ready for a baby?

A: We always knew we wanted a BIG family. When we first started dating, we joked that we would be happy with 6 kids until we realized that we would have to drive a bus to get anywhere.

All jokes aside, we knew it could take some time to get pregnant. It did take time which we believe was actually a good thing. While we were able to conceive on our own, the time it took learning about ovulation and pregnancy, it also educated us more on having a baby.

Is anyone ever TRULY ready? No. But we are learning and growing together and are excited for the journey ahead!

Q: Do you know the gender?

A: Nope! We are waiting to find out when Baby Q makes their arrival and we couldn’t be more excited to find out!

Q: What are Courtney’s cravings?

A: I will say, this has changed over time but for the most part it has been: fruit, cereal, cheese, ice cream, and pretzels.

In the 1st Trimester, Courtney really didn’t want to eat anything. She was nauseous all the time and didn’t want to eat any protein. All she wanted was carbs. So she ate buttered pasta, bread, pretzels, or crackers. Really anything to settle her stomach.

Once the 2nd Trimester hit, she started to get cravings and want to eat more foods. This is when the fruit, ice cream, and cereal really picked up.

In the 3rd Trimester, Courtney has eaten any kind of cheese she can get her hands on along with making sure she has granola bars and dried fruit in her bag at all times. She gets hungry out of nowhere and will feel nauseous again if she doesn’t eat a snack every 2 hours.

Q: What is the hardest part for Gabriel?

A: Well, it’s mostly that I don’t know what to do to help Courtney at some times… For example, when we are thinking of food, she sometimes has no idea what she wants to eat because she doesn’t feel well so it’s a guessing game for me. I ate dinners mostly by myself in the 1st Trimester because everything made her sick.

Another thing I wish someone told me was that if you are planning on moving, do it as early as possible in the pregnancy. Granted, we hired movers for the actual move but packing was a nightmare. Courtney had Braxton Hicks contractions while packing and we almost went to the hospital. Needless to say, she didn’t pack or unpack much after that. It’s also why we have lived in our new place for 3+ months and still have some boxes that we haven’t opened.

Basically, there are no amount of books or podcasts you can read or listen to that will help you prepare for what your significant other will go through while they are pregnant.

Q: Do the dogs know you’re pregnant and how do you think they will be with a baby?

A: We like to think they know… They lay on Courtney’s belly and have felt kicks plenty of times.

Kota (our 9 year old schnoodle) will be the best big sister. She’s calm and so loving. Kacey (our 2 year old schnauzer mix) will grow into being a great big brother. He still has his own puppy energy but that will be perfect for playtime and making Baby Q laugh when he gets the zoomies!

Q: What is something no one prepared you for?

A: This is a great question. Let’s break this down by trimester.

1st Trimester: Food Aversions…. I couldn’t be anywhere near the dog’s food or in the kitchen when Gabriel was cooking. Everything smelled awful and made me more nauseous than I already was.

2nd Trimester: Not being able to do what I used to be able to do. I had to learn to slow down and rest a lot more than I am used to.

3rd Trimester: “Is this labor?” … That question has been something I have said countless times and it’s just Braxton Hicks but I don’t know what to prepare for when labor is actually here. We’re only a few weeks away!

Q: Where will you travel to first with the baby?

A: This is still up for debate! The baby is due around Thanksgiving so we will probably be spending the holidays at home and not traveling to see family but that doesn’t mean that we won’t have a trip planned for late winter of 2022. Maybe a local getaway to a cabin or if we’re feeling up to it, a tropical paradise a little further away… guess we will have to wait and see!

pregnancy shoot on the beach at sunset

